Finding Momentum

You can't go back again

June 25, 2018

There’s no turning back. When that big Parenthood Switch flips on in your life, you are tossed into every conceivable life change you can imagine. Your time is no longer your own. Your sleep is interrupted, infrequent and faked. Money...

The night tiger

April 29, 2018

The past six weeks have been nearly blissful. You’ve surprised us all, son, to learn that you are actually a rather happy baby when you’re not uncomfortable. I’ve surprised myself too, feeling intense fondness for you in your moments of...

Already, not yet: reflections during Holy Week

April 01, 2018

The past year has been rough on our friends. Our friends have lost many loved ones, another one recently received a terminal diagnosis. When we were in LA, we learned from our community there to pray with great faith and...

Quickly does it change

December 25, 2017

We came back home from your baptism last Sunday and you could not stop laughing, screeching with joy for twenty minutes (or what felt like forever). In an instant, things become clearer than they ever have been before. I felt...

Notes to my son

October 30, 2017

I. When you first arrived I took you in my arms and I prayed over your life that you would grow strong, because you were so small, unexpectedly early. II. Our time in the NICU is one mixed with both...

Tell your loved ones

November 19, 2016

The sudden death of a friend’s father this past week had us all reeling - on top of an already-difficult 2016, this really hurt. Annie and I made our way to the funeral home this morning and stood in the...